Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata) Science Article 3 abstract We investigated concentration of mercury in eggs of Redthroated Diver [Gavia stellata] and Black-throated Diver [Gavia arctica] collected in South and Central Sweden, 1981-1997. In South Sweden (Sydsvenska Hoglandet), mean concentration in Red-throated Diver eggs was remarkably high (6.84 ppm dry weight, 5 pairs), or more than […]
Tag: Gavia stellata
Feeding schedule and daily food consumption in red-throated loons (Gavia stellata) over the prefledging period
Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata) Science Article 1 abstract We describe parental feeding activities of Red-throated Loons (Gavia stellata) throughout the prefledging period at two freshwater nesting territories in coastal British Columbia. The nesting lake contained resident fish populations, but adult loons fed marine fish to their young, making an average of 11 flights per day […]
Effect of nest-site location on reproductive success of red-throated loons Gavia stellata
Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata) Science Article 2 abstract The Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata) nests on the shores of freshwater ponds of the Arctic tundra and forages in nearby marine waters. We examined the effects of distance of the nest from foraging waters and of microclimate at the nest site on the loon’s reproductive success. As […]
Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata)
[order] GAVIIFORMES | [family] Gaviidae | [latin] Gavia stellata | [UK] Red-throated Loon | [FR] Plongeon catmarin | [DE] Sterntaucher | [ES] Colimbo Chico | [NL] Roodkeelduiker Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Region Range Gavia stellata NA, EU widespread Genus The genus gavidae is formed by five species exclusively from the Northern Hemisphere. All of them […]