Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris) Science Article 1 abstract Little is known of the extent of movement and winter ranges of Clapper Rails (Rallus longirostris) in the United States despite years of study by ornithologists and game biologists (Stewart 1951, 1954;Mangold 1977). For example, only recently was it learned that the endangered southwestern population, R. l. […]
Tag: Clapper Rail
Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris)
[order] Gruiformes | [family] Rallidae | [latin] Rallus longirostris | [UK] Clapper Rail | [FR] Rale gris | [DE] Klapperralle | [ES] Rascon Piquilargo | [IT] Porciglione americano | [NL] Klapperral Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Rallus longirostris NA, LA widespread Rallus longirostris beldingi s Baja California (Mexico) […]