Yellow-hooded Blackbird (Chrysomus icterocephalus) Science Article 1 abstract In his interesting and important paper,
Tag: all of Chrysomus
Yellow hooded Blackbird (Chrysomus icterocephalus)
[order] Passeriformes | [family] Icteridae | [latin] Chrysomus icterocephalus | [UK] Yellow-hooded Blackbird | [FR] Carouge a capuchon | [DE] Gelbkopfstarling | [ES] Turpial de Agua | [IT] Ittero dal cappuccio giallo | [NL] Geelkaptroepiaal Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Xanthopsar icterocephalus Chrysomus icterocephalus SA n, c Chrysomus […]