Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularius) Science Article 1


A color-banded population of Spotted Sandpipers (Actitis macularia) was studied over a 10-yr period on Little Pelican Island, Leech Lake, Minnesota. A total of 75 females and 107 males bred for 144 fenales yr and 200 males yr. The observed skew in the populations ex ratio was due primarily to behavioral exclusion of inexperienced females. Density appeared to limit population size and productivity. Locally hatched chicks accounted for 31% and 40% of the breeding females in the final 2 yr. Females laid eggs for 1.35-2.06 males per year. Experienced females had significantly more mates, eggs, chicks, and fledglings than did inexperienced females. Locally hatched chicks accounted for 21% and 19% of the breeding males in the final 2 yr.

LEWIS W. ORING, DAVID B. LANK, AND STEPHEN J. MAXSON, The Auk 100: 272-285. April 1983

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