Silver-beaked Tanager (Ramphocelus carbo) Science Article 1


I passed the interval from 15 March to 24 July 1966 at ‘La Araguata,’ a large cattle farmsituated among the hills near Pirapira, some 20 miles south of Valencia in the state ofCarabobo, Venezuela. Although most of my time was devoted to the study of the RufousfrontedThornbird (Phucellodomus rufifrons) and the birds of other kinds that occupy its great, many-chambered nests, I found a number of nests of other species and learned what I could about them. In view of the dearth of information on the habits of Venezuelan birds, it seems useful to publish these observations, fragmentary though some of them be. My study of the thornbird and its nesting associates will be published separately.

ALEXANDER F. SKUTCH, The Condor(70,1): 66-82

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Updated: December 27, 2011 — 9:26 am

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