The known history and movements of the Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii in South Africa and the western Indian Ocean

Roseate Tern (Sterna dougallii) Science Article 3


The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern The Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered is not considered globally threatened threatened threatened threatened threatened threatened threatened threatened threatened threatened threatened (BirdirdirdLife Internationaife Internationaife Internationaife Internationaife Internationaife Internationaife Internationaife Internationaife Internationaife Internationaife Internationaife Internationaife Internationaife Internationaife Internationaife International 2004), but reut reut reut reut regionaionaionaionally it has it has it has it has it has it has it has been een een een variaariaariaariably c classified as assified as assified as assified as assified as assified as assified as assified as assified as assified as assified as assified as Endanndanndanndangered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened ered and Threatened (Gochfeochfeochfeochfeochfeld & Bururger 1er 1er 1er 1998). On On Only the Austra the Austra the Austra the Austra the Austra the Austra the Austra the Austra the Austra the Austra the Australian ian ian ian population of this ation of this ation of this ation of this ation of this ation of this ation of this ation of this ation of this ation of this ation of this ation of this ation of this ation of this bird is ird is ird is ird is ird is ird is considered to considered to considered to considered to considered to considered to considered to considered to considered to considered to considered to considered to considered to considered to be in a heae in a heae in a heae in a heae in a heae in a heae in a heae in a heae in a heae in a healththy positionositionositionositionositionositionosition, its its its its its prerevious siious siious siious siious siious siious size hae hae hae havining been een een seriousseriousseriousseriousseriousseriousseriously underesti underesti underesti underesti underesti underesti underesti underesti underesti underestimated ated ated ated ated (I.C.T. Nisisbetet, Roseate Tern Roseate Tern Roseate Tern Roseate Tern Roseate Tern Roseate Tern Roseate Tern Roseate Tern Roseate Tern Roseate Tern Roseate Tern Roseate Tern Roseate Tern Roseate Tern Wororkshoshoshop, Wexfordfordfordford, Ire Ire Ire Irelandandand, 2003). The on The on The on The on The on The on The only population in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian ation in the western Indian Ocean that has Ocean that has Ocean that has Ocean that has Ocean that has Ocean that has Ocean that has Ocean that has Ocean that has Ocean that has Ocean that has Ocean that has Ocean that has Ocean that has Ocean that has been foreen foreen foreen foreen foreen foreen formally cate cate cate cate categorioriorized ed ed (as as as Endanndanndanndangerederederedered) is that of is that of is that of is that of is that of is that of is that of is that of is that of is that of is that of South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa (Brooroorooke 1e 1e 1984, Underhinderhinderhinderhinderhinderhill 2000, Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree & Klages es es 2003).

TREE, A.J., Marine Ornithology 33: 41-47.

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Updated: December 27, 2011 — 9:24 am

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