The influence of male age and phenology on reproductive success of the red-breasted flycatcher (Ficedula parva)

Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva) Science Article 1


I studied arrival time, breeding phenology, and breeding success in relation to the age class (second year and older) of male red-breasted flycatchers for six breeding seasons (2000-2005) in the prim val Bialowieza Forest, eastern Poland. Older males, i.e. older than two years (ASY), arrived on average five days earlier than younger, second-year (SY) males. Moreover, early-arriving ASY males and experienced males were more likely to pair than were SY males and males that arrived later. Arrival time and age of males also influenced the first egg date of their mates. Arrival time, first egg date and age of male, however, did not influence clutch size, breeding success, or the number of offspring fledged. The richness and abundance of food under natural conditions may reduce the influence of age and experience on feeding effort and, as a consequence, reproductive success. High predation pressure may favour a ‘no restraint’ breeding strategy and young birds should take full advantage of every breeding opportunity.

Mitrus, C. 2006, Ann. Zool. Fennici 43: 358-365

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