Guianan Toucanet (Selenidera piperivora)

Guianan Toucanet

[order] Piciformes | [family] Ramphastidae | [latin] Selenidera piperivora | [UK] Guianan Toucanet | [FR] Toucanet koulik | [DE] Pfefferfresser | [ES] Tucanete Culik | [IT] Tucanetto della Guiana | [NL] Guyana-pepervreter


Monotypic species

Physical charateristics

This is one of rare Toucanets showing dimorphism. The male has a black crown neck, throat and breast. Side of the neck shows a yellow patch. The lower back and wig coverts are olive green, lower belly very dark yellow and green. Inner tail is black with chestnut tips, outer tail olive-green. Female has a blakish crown but hind head is olive-green, breast is grey and belly green. Bill is black with some dark red at base.

Listen to the sound of Guianan Toucanet

[audio: Toucanet.mp3]

Copyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto

wingspan min.: 0 cm wingspan max.: 0 cm
size min.: 33 cm size max.: 35 cm
incubation min.: 16 days incubation max.: 17 days
fledging min.: 40 days fledging max.: 42 days
broods: 1   eggs min.: 2  
      eggs max.: 3  


It is found in Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela. In Surinam not uncommon along sandy forest edges in the coastal region.


Moist lowland and hill forest, savanna forest and undisturbed forest.


Nest is very often an old nest cavity of woodpeckers no more than 40 cm deep. Both parents incubate 2-3 eggs for a period of about 16 days. Several adults may be involved in the soical breeding process. The young first eat insects and later during brooding fruits. They fledge after about 40 days. Incubation and fledging period taken from captive birds.

Feeding habits

Feeds on fruits and seeds in the forest canopy. During the breeding season their diet is enriched with insects and small vertebrates like lizards and frogs.


This species has a large range, with an estimated global Extent of Occurrence of 1,100,000 km

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