White breasted Wood Wren (Henicorhina leucosticta)

White-breasted Wood-Wren

[order] Passeriformes | [family] Troglodytidae | [latin] Henicorhina leucosticta | [UK] White-breasted Wood-Wren | [FR] Troglodyte a poitrine blanche | [DE] Waldzaunkonig | [ES] Ratona Gallineta | [IT] Scricciolo di bosco pettobianco | [NL] Boswinterkoning


Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range

Physical charateristics

The adult White-breasted Wood-Wren is 10 cm long and weighs 16 g. It has chestnut brown upperparts with a darker crown, pale supercilia, and black-and-white streaked sides of the head and neck. The underparts are white becoming buff on the lower belly. The wings and very short tail are barred with black. Young birds have duller upperparts and grey underparts.

Listen to the sound of White-breasted Wood-Wren

[audio:http://www.aviflevoland.nl/sounddb/W/White-breasted Wood-Wren.mp3]

Copyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto

wingspan min.: 0 cm wingspan max.: 0 cm
size min.: 11 cm size max.: 12 cm
incubation min.: 0 days incubation max.: 0 days
fledging min.: 0 days fledging max.: 0 days
broods: 2   eggs min.: 2  
      eggs max.: 4  


It is a resident breeding species from central Mexico to northeastern Peru and Surinam.


It lives in pairs, flying frequently to the ground to catch insects in tangled lianas on fallen trees.


Its neat roofed nest is constructed on the ground or occasionally very low in undergrowth, and is concealed by dense vegetation. The eggs are incubated by the female alone for about two weeks to hatching, and the young fledge in about the same length of time again. This species may build a ?dormitory nest? for individuals or family groups, which is typically higher, than the breeding nest, up to 3m off the ground. Clutc hsie is two eggs.

Feeding habits

It lives in pairs, flying frequently to the ground to catch insects in tangled lianas on fallen trees. The White-breasted Wood-Wren forages actively in low vegetation or on the ground in pairs in family groups. It mainly eats insects and other invertebrates


This species has a large range, with an estimated global extent of occurrence of 2,500,000 km

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