Age-related differences in foraging behaviorof Montagus harrier Circus pygargus males in south-east Poland

Montagus Harrier (Circus pygargus) Science Article 2


The hunting behaviour and habitat use of second-calendar-year males (subadult) and grey (adult) males of Montagu’s harrier Circus pygargus were compared in south-east Poland. Subadult males performed cruising flights less frequently than did adult males. In contrast, subadult males more frequently soared thermals and were harassed more often by other birds. Overall, adult males were more frequently engaged in hunting activities than subadult males. Additionally, adult males were more successful in trapping prey than were subadult males. Only 7% (n=92) of trapping attempts by subadult males were successful, compared with 17% (n=126) by grey males. Both adult and subadult males tried to catch prey flushed by foxes Vulpes vulpes. Subadult males were seen begging and pirating from prey-carrying raptors.

Ignacy Kitowski, acta ethol (2003) 6:35-38

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