Cavity Nesting by Great Kiskadees (Pitangus sulphuratus):Adaptation or Expression of Ancestral Behavior?

Great Kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratus) Science Article 2


Beginning with the work of von Ihering (1904), the nature of the nest has been used for formulating systematic hypotheses within the family Tyrannidae. Here, I provide several records of cavity nesting by Great Kiskadees( Pitangus ulphuratusI) .t hen discuss nest location (exposed vs. concealed) and nest structure (cup-shapedv s. domed) of Tyrannusre latives( 12 genera and ca. 33 species)a s they relate to the systematics of the group, and suggest that cavity nesting is a primitive trait in certain branches of the Tyrannidae.

CELSO LAGO-PAIVA, The Auk 113(4):953-955, 1996

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