Measuring potential negative effects of traditionalharvesting practices on waterbirds: a case study withmigrating curlews

Curlew (Numenius arquata) Science Article 2


Because of potential conflicts between commercial and conservation interests, onechallenge in coastal-area management is how to regulate harvesting practices incoastal areas without adversely affecting the survival of migratory waterbirds. Inmost Spanish intertidal areas of importance for shorebirds, managers haveconcentrated only on stock management of the shellfish species. Here, we studiedaspects of the foraging behaviour of Eurasian curlews Numenius arquata migratingthrough a Ramsar area in north Spain in the presence and absence of handharvesters. We aimed to assess potential negative effects on curlews with a view tomaking coastal management recommendations that would help reduce conflictbetween local people and waterbirds.

J. G. Navedo & J. A. Masero, Animal Conservation 10 (2007) 88-94

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