Genus | Species | subspecies | Region | Range |
Eudocimus | albus | NA, LA | s USA, Caribbean, n SA |
The White Ibis is, as both its common and scientific names imply, white with brilliant scarlet legs, facial skin, and bill. The Scarlet Ibis, as both its common and scientific names imply, is a brilliant scarlet red over its whole body, the only non-scarlet regions restricted to the distal third of the outer four primaries, the eye, and the bill, which are black. The White Ibis forms a superspecies with the Scarlet Ibis and there have been recent proposals to merge the two species based on ecological similarities and frequent hybridization where their ranges overlap in Venezuela. The White Ibis is found from the southeastern United States south to northern Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. The Scarlet Ibis is restricted to the northern third of South America where it occupies a number of aquatic habitats.
Physical charateristics
bill. In flight, the neck is outstretched; flocks fly in strings, flapping and gliding; often soar in circles.
Listen to the sound of American White Ibis
[audio: White Ibis.mp3]
Copyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto
wingspan min.: | 90 | cm | wingspan max.: | 100 | cm |
size min.: | 63 | cm | size max.: | 67 | cm |
incubation min.: | 0 | days | incubation max.: | 0 | days |
fledging min.: | 0 | days | fledging max.: | 0 | days |
broods: | 1 | eggs min.: | 2 | ||
eggs max.: | 5 |
regions. Foraging sites include marshes, mudflats, flooded pastures, lake edges, mangrove lagoons, grassy fields. Nests in mangroves, trees in swamps, dense thickets, sometimes on ground on islands or in marshes.
Nest: Sites in mangroves, trees, and thickets, usually 2 -1
5′ above ground or water, sometimes higher or on ground. Nest built by both sexes, male bringing most material, female doing most of building. Material often stolen from nests of other pairs. Nest is usually platform of sticks, sometimes of cordgrass or r
Clutch 2 -3, up to 5. Pale blue-green to white, blotched with brown. Incubation is by both sexes, averages 21 days.
Young: Both parents feed young, by regurgitation. Young may clamber about near nest after 3 weeks, can make short flights after 4 -5 weeks
, capable of sustained flight at 6 weeks, may leave colony to forage with adults after 7 weeks.
Feeding habits
Behavior: Forages by walking slowly in shallow water, sweeping bill from side to side and probing at bottom. Also f
orages on land, especially on mud or in short grass. Finds food by touch while probing, by sight at other times, seizing items from surface. White Ibises may steal food from each other and, in turn, have food stolen from them by larger species.
Video American White Ibis
copyright: Wayne Hall

Present throughout year in most of breeding range, but numbers are much lower in winter in northern areas; banded birds from United States have been recovered in Mexico, Cuba, northern South America. May wander far north and inland after breeding season.