Yellow billed Tern (Sterna superciliaris)

Yellow-billed Tern

[order] Charadriiformes | [family] Sternidae | [latin] Sterna superciliaris | [UK] Yellow-billed Tern | [FR] Sterne argentee | [DE] Amazonasseeschwalbe | [ES] Charrancito amazonico | [IT] Sterna dell’Amazzonia | [NL] Amazonestern


Monotypic species

Physical charateristics

Small tern with a greenish bill, in breeding plamage dark grey above and white below. Forehead white with a black streak from bill to eyes. Lores, crown, nape and outer primaries black. tail grey, short and slightly forked. In non-breeders the crown is streaked with white. Favors broad rivers with sndy beaches or lake side baches.

Listen to the sound of Yellow-billed Tern

[audio: Tern.mp3]

Copyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto

wingspan min.:cmwingspan max.:cm
size min.:24cmsize max.:26cm
incubation min.:0daysincubation max.:0days
fledging min.:0daysfledging max.:0days
broods:0 eggs min.:0 
   eggs max.:0 


Found in Brazil, the Guianas, Venezuela, Colombia and, further south, in Argentina and Uruguay. In Suriname a quiet common bird along the rivers and lakes.


Habitat includes marshes, swamps, freshwater lakes (>8 ha), Wetlands (inland) Rivers, streams and creeks.


Hardly any information. Brrees on broad sandshores during dry season alon rivers and lakes. Settles in small colonies of about 10 nests. Clutch size 2-3 eggs, most eggs are lost due to sudden flooding.

Feeding habits

Feeds plunch diving in water catching small fish. Also feeds on insects and crustaceans.


This species has a large range, with an estimated global Extent of Occurrence of 11,000,000 km

Updated: May 8, 2011 — 1:00 am

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