Category: Fringillidae

Are foraging Serin Serinus serinus females more vigilant than males? The effect of sex ratio.

Serin (Serinus serinus) Science Article 2 abstract Given that in many bird species females are subordinate to males and that, in general, subordinate individuals are more vigilant than dominants ones, we should predict foraging females to be more vigilant than males. This prediction is tested here in flocks of Serins Serinus serinus, where several males […]

Mate choice is not important for female reproductive success in the common Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus)

Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus) Science Article 1 abstract I studied mate choice in relation to female reproductive success in the Common Rosefinch( Carpodacuesr ythrinuso) over a four-year period. Approximately 50-99% of the variance in female reproductive success was due to nest predation during incubation. Because males did not defend nest sites and females probably face time […]

Is the nominate subspecies of the Common Crossbill Loxia c. curvirostra polytypic? I. Morphological differences among years at a single site.

Red Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) Science Article 1 abstract The discovery of discrete vocal types of Common Crossbill in Western Europe opens the possibility that the nominate subspecies Loxia c. curvirostra in fact consists of a group of cryptic, vocally differentiated and reproductively isolated sibling species, reflecting a similar situation in North America. We compared measures […]

Population fluctuations of Siskins Carduelis spinus,Common Crossbills Loxia curvirostra, and Citril FinchesCarduelis citrinella in relationship to flowering intensityof spruce Picea abies

Red Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) Science Article 2 abstract Annual population abundances from 1992 to 2002 of Siskins Carduelis spinus, CommonCrossbills Loxia curvirostra and Citril Finches Carduelis citrinella were studied in relationto flowering intensity of spruce Picea abies.We used point countmethod to study thechanges in abundance of the three species in the Northern Black Forest (southwest […]

Open-habitat birds in recently burned areas: the role of the fire extent and species’ habitat breadth

Linnet (Carduelis cannabina) Science Article 2 abstract Single burned areas contained 0 to 15 open-habitat species (mean = 7.6), and in all the areas combined there were 22 species, including 17 with an unfavourable conservation status in Europe. The most frequent were Carduelis cannabina, Lullula arborea, Alectoris rufa, Oenanthe hispanica and Emberiza cia, but characteristic […]

Communal roosting of Linnets (Carduelis cannabina) and Blue-headed Wagtails (Motacilla flava) at post-breeding period in Western Poland.

Linnet (Carduelis cannabina) Science Article 1 abstract Communal roosting of Linnets (Carduelis cannabina) and Blue-headed Wagtails (Motacilla flava) at post-breeding period in Western Poland Surmacki A, Lorek G & Tryjanowski P., Vogelwarte. vol 40, no 1-2. p. 146-148 Download article download full text (pdf)

Haemoproteids and microfilariae in hawfinches in the Czech Republic

Hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) Science Article 1 abstract One to three out of four different species of protozoanparasites were detected in ten individual hawfinches (Coc-cothraustes coccothraustes Linnaeus, 1758) as follows:Haemoproteus fringillae (Labbe, 1894), Leucocytozoondubreuili Math is et Lege r, 1911, L. fringillinarum Wood-cock, 1910, and L. majoris (Laveran, 1902). K, HAUPTMANOVA, V. BARUS, I. LITERAK, V. […]

Activity and predator escape performance of common greenfinches Carduelis chloris infected with sindbis virus

Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris) Science Article 1 abstract The fitness effects of parasites on their hosts are often unknown. For mostavian viruses, no records of clinical disease have been associated withinfections. In this study we tested if birds would alter their behaviour duringan infection with an avian virus that naturally occurs in passerines. Wemeasured spontaneous locomotion […]

The removal of colour rings by Greenfinches Carduelis chloris

Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris) Science Article 3 abstract This paper examines the effect of sex and ring colour on the frequency of removal of plastic colour rings by Greenfinches Carduelis chloris. Of 55 recaptures of 42 individuals, 22 (40%) had lost at least one of its colour rings. Females showed a tendency to remove colour rings […]