Category: nieuws

Kazakhstan study helps to identify wealth of new IBAs

Identifying Important Bird Areas (IBAs), and ensuring their long-term protection, cannot be achieved without detailed information of the bird populations occurring within them. This was highlighted by a study published this month in BirdLife?s journal Bird Conservation International. The authors produced new data from Kazakhstan highlighting the importance of land surrounding the protected Korgalzhynskiy nature […]

Paraguay?s first Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network site – right on the capital?s doorstep!

Monitoring of shorebirds by Guyra Paraguay (BirdLife Partner in Paraguay) has resulted in the designation of the country?s first Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) site. Baha de Asuncin – an IBA wetland just north of Paraguay?s capital city Asuncin – has been identified as a key site for the Near Threatened Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites […]

Polluted Prey Causes Wild Birds To Change Their Tune

Considerable attention has been paid to the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic environments, but rather less attention has been given to routes of contamination on land. A new study by researchers at Cardiff University, reveals that wild birds foraging on invertebrates contaminated with environmental pollutants, show marked changes in both brain and behaviour: […]