Category: Rallidae


Sora (Porzana carolina) Science Article 1 abstract Lack of estimates of nesting success and annual survival of North American rails limits our ability to monitor rail populations, regulate harvest levels, and institute recovery programs. We here present Virginia Rail (Rallus limicola) and Sora (Porzana carolina) population trends from Breeding Bird Surveys (BBS) throughout North America

Evidence of conspecific nest parasitism and egg discrimination in the sora

Sora (Porzana carolina) Science Article 2 abstract Conspecific nest parasitism (CNP) is relatively frequent among precocial species and several hypotheses for this patter have been suggested (Rohwer and Freeman 1989, Lyon and Eadie 1991, Sorenson 1992). I report here observations made at the nest of a Sora, Porzana carolina, which suggest both the occurrence of […]

Registro da Ocorrencia de Siricora-Mirim (Laterallus viridis) em Dourados, MS

Russet-crowned Crake (Anurolimnas viridis) Science Article 1 abstract Um dos grupos animais mais bem estudados no Brasil e o dasaves (Primack & Rodrigues, 2002), porem em Mato Grosso doSul os estudos ornitologicos ainda sao escassos,principalmente na Regiao Sul do Estado; assim, e importantenotificar a ocorrencia de novas aves e expansoes na distribuicaode algumas especies. Claudenice […]

Pre-nesting activity of the Purple Gallinule near Savannah, Georgia

Purple Gallinule (Porphyrio martinica) Science Article 1 abstract Observations on the pre-nesting activity of the Purple Gallinule (Porphyrula martinica)were made by me at the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, Jasper County, South Carolina from 9 to 16 April 1960, 12 to 23 April 1961, and 28 to 30 April 1963. BROOKE MEANLY, Auk(80):545-546 Download article download […]

Breeding systems related to incubation investment in the Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio porphyrio (L.).

Purple Swamp-hen (Porphyrio porphyrio) Science Article 1 abstract I recorded, during the incubation period, the day shift activity of purple swamphens Porphyrio porphyrio porphyrio breeding in an artificial wetland of southeastern Spain. Three breeding systems were found: pairs, trios and solitary birds, which confirms that the subspecies porphyrio may also have communal breeding. However, the […]

The Paint-billed Crake Breeding in Costa Rica

Paint-billed Crake (Neocrex erythrops) Science Article 1 abstract We report a recent observation from southern Costa Rica of the Paint-billed Crake (Neocrex erythrops), a little known species from eastern and northern South America. An adult and recently hatched chick were observed at close range in wet grassy second-growth. This observation constitutes the first record of […]

First United States Record of Paint-billed Crake (Neocrex erythrops)

Paint-billed Crake (Neocrex erythrops) Science Article 2 abstract On 17 February 1972 Donald Baker, then an undergraduate in the Department of Wildlife and FisheriesSciences, Texas A&M University, caught a small rail in one of his traps for furbearers, along astream south of College Station, Brazos County, in east-central Texas. The bird was brought to me […]

First United States Record of Paint-billed Crake (Neocrex erythrops)

Paint-billed Crake (Neocrex erythrops) Science Article 2 abstract On 17 February 1972 Donald Baker, then an undergraduate in the Department of Wildlife and FisheriesSciences, Texas A&M University, caught a small rail in one of his traps for furbearers, along astream south of College Station, Brazos County, in east-central Texas. The bird was brought to me […]

The Paint-billed Crake Breeding in Costa Rica

Paint-billed Crake (Neocrex erythrops) Science Article 1 abstract We report a recent observation from southern Costa Rica of the Paint-billed Crake (Neocrex erythrops), a little known species from eastern and northern South America. An adult and recently hatched chick were observed at close range in wet grassy second-growth. This observation constitutes the first record of […]


Grey-breasted Crake (Laterallus exilis) Science Article 1 abstract We provide the first documentation ofLaterallus exilis in Costa Rica. Because of its secretive nature, little is known about this species. We describe the coloration of itssoft parts and contrast its vocalizations with those of L. albigularis, a common and sympatric congener. In Costa Rica, L. exilis […]