American Coot (Fulica americana) Science Article 10 abstract Unprecedented mortality occurred in bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) at DeGray Lake, Arkansas, during the winters of 1994-1995 and 1996-1997. The first eagles were found dead during November, soon after arrival from fall migration, and deaths continued into January during both episodes. In total, 29 eagles died at […]
Category: Gruiformes
Improving the reliability of molecular sexing of birds using a W-specific marker
American Coot (Fulica americana) Science Article 12 abstract Molecular techniques for identifying sex of birds utilize length differences between CHD-Z and CHD-W introns, but in some cases these methods can lead to sexing errors. Here we show that an additional W-specific primer can be used in conjunction with a pre-existing sexing primer pair to dramatically […]
coot nesting and feeding habits in southeastern Washington.
American Coot (Fulica americana) Science Article 13 abstract No abstract Fitzner, R. E., E. T. Sipco, and R. G. Schrecknise. 1979., Northwest Sci. 54:244-252. Download article download full text (pdf)
American Coot kills Yellow-headed Blackbird nestlings
American Coot (Fulica americana) Science Article 6 abstract I know of only one witnessed predation event by an American Coot (Fulica americana) on a vertebrate-a nestling Redwinged Blackbirds. PETER L. HURD, Wilson Bull., 104(3), 1992, pp. 552-553 Download article download full text (pdf)
The relationships of Porzana ]!aviventer
Yellow-breasted Crake (Porzana flaviventer) Science Article 1 abstract A lack of agreement as to the generic characters of rails has resulted in many genera that are either poorly defined, monotypic, or composed of groups of unrelated species. Seldom has any taxonomic treatment of this family resulted in what I believe to be natural groupings. Decisions […]
Breeding of the Water Rail Rallus aquaticus in Cladium mariscusvegetation
Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus) Science Article 1 abstract We have studied breeding habitats of the Water Rail Rallus aquaticus in Cladium mariscus (Galingale) vegetation at Botshol (Abcoude, 51 deg 52’N;5 deg 04’E) in The Netherlands and on Oland in Sweden. Water Rails were localised by day by provoking vocal responses with a cassette recorder, using […]
Why is the Water Rail Rallus aquaticus a very scarce breedernorth of 61 deg N?
Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus) Science Article 2 abstract Along a transect from just north of Uppsala (c. 60 deg ?N) to Lulea (c. 65 deg 30′ N), the eastern coast of Sweden, we searched for Water Rails Rallus aquaticus. Rails were found at four of twenty-four visited sites, the northernmost site at 61 deg 08′ […]
Sora (Porzana carolina) Science Article 1 abstract Lack of estimates of nesting success and annual survival of North American rails limits our ability to monitor rail populations, regulate harvest levels, and institute recovery programs. We here present Virginia Rail (Rallus limicola) and Sora (Porzana carolina) population trends from Breeding Bird Surveys (BBS) throughout North America
Evidence of conspecific nest parasitism and egg discrimination in the sora
Sora (Porzana carolina) Science Article 2 abstract Conspecific nest parasitism (CNP) is relatively frequent among precocial species and several hypotheses for this patter have been suggested (Rohwer and Freeman 1989, Lyon and Eadie 1991, Sorenson 1992). I report here observations made at the nest of a Sora, Porzana carolina, which suggest both the occurrence of […]
Female greater sandhill Crane continues to incubate affer the loss of her mate
Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) Science Article 1 abstract The reproductivep attern of a Greater Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensista tn’da)pair was disrupted in May 1976 when the male was shot and killed on Malheur NationalWildlife Refuge, Oregon. The female continued to incubate a remaining egg, and tendedthe chick near the nest through May. By early June […]