Category: Falconiformes

Why the Vulture is plain colored

In the beginning, birds were created without covering. Ashamed of their long legs and ill-shaped bodies, they hid themselves among trees and rocks. They were also without song, as their throats had not yet been fitted for producing music. Long afterward, they learned their songs from whispering leaves, falling rain, running brooks and whistling winds. […]

Observations on Migratory Turkey Vultures and Lesser Yellow-headed Vultures in Northern Colombia

Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) Science Article 1 abstract Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) breed from southern Canada to Tierra del Fuego, while Lesser Yellowheaded Vultures (Cathartes burrovianus) occur from M xico through Central America to northern Argentina and Uruguay (Meyer de Schauensee 1966).It has long been known that Turkey Vultures breeding in the northern parts of […]

Olfactory sensitivity of the Tturkey vulture (Cathartes aura) to three carrion-associated odorants

Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) Science Article 2 abstract The Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) is generally thought to rely on olfactory cues to locate carrion. Because vertically rising odorants are dispersed rapidly by wind turbulence, we predict that Turkey Vultures should be highly sensitive to these chemicals to detect them at foraging altitudes. STEVEN A. SMITH […]

Energetic expenditure of male Ospreys provisioning natural and manipulated broods.

Western Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) Science Article 2 abstract This study examined the relationship between brood size and energetic expenditure of male Ospreys. The daily energetic expenditure (DEE) of male Ospreys, provisioning nestlings and providing post-fledging parental care, was estimated using detailed time-energy budgets. Factors affecting DEE were investigated, and DEE and the maximum rate of […]