[order] CORACIIFORMES | [family] Alcedinidae | [latin] Ceryle alcyon | [UK] Belted Kingfisher | [FR] Alcyon d’Amerique | [DE] Gurtelfischer | [ES] Martin Gigante Norteamericano | [NL] Bandijsvogel Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Ceryle alcyon Megaceryle alcyon NA widespread MA, n SA Physical charateristics The Belted Kingfisher is […]
Category: Coraciiformes
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater (Merops persicus)
[order] CORACIIFORMES | [family] Meropidae | [latin] Merops persicus | [UK] Blue-cheeked Bee-eater | [FR] Guepier | [DE] Blauwangen-Spint | [ES] Abejaruco Persa | [NL] Groene Bijeneter Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Merops persicus EU sw, nw AF AF Merops persicus chrysocercus nw Africa to w Africa Merops […]
Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
[order] CORACIIFORMES | [family] Alcedinidae | [latin] Alcedo atthis | [UK] Kingfisher | [FR] Martin-pecheur d’Europe | [DE] Eisvogel | [ES] Martin Pescador de Eurasia | [NL] IJsvogel Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Physical charateristics The smallest of the kingfishers to be found in most of its range, […]
European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
[order] CORACIIFORMES | [family] Meropidae | [latin] Merops apiaster | [UK] European Bee-eater | [FR] Guepier d’Europe | [DE] Bienenfresser | [ES] Abejaruco Comun | [NL] Bijenter Subspecies Monotypic species Physical charateristics Highly distinctive with multicolored plumage. Male has black gorget, greenish-blue underparts, scapulars and rump flaxen. Long uppertail coverts the same green as tail, […]
Roller (Coracias garrulus)
[order] CORACIIFORMES | [family] Coraciidae | [latin] Coracias garrulus | [UK] Roller | [FR] Rollier d’Europe | [DE] Blauracke | [ES] Carraca Europea | [NL] Scharrelaar Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Physical charateristics Large and colorful bird, being iridescent blue, black and chestnut. Roller without tail streamers, proportionately […]
Green Kingfisher (Chloroceryle americana)
[order] CORACIIFORMES | [family] Alcedinidae | [latin] Chloroceryle americana | [UK] Green Kingfisher | [FR] Alcyon vert | [DE] Grunfischer | [ES] Martin Pescador Verde | [NL] Groene IJsvogel Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Chloroceryle americana NA, LA sw USA to n Argentina Chloroceryle americana americana n South […]
Green-and-rufous Kingfisher (Chloroceryle inda)
[order] CORACIIFORMES | [family] Alcedinidae | [latin] Chloroceryle inda | [UK] Green-and-rufous Kingfisher | [FR] Alcyon bicolore | [DE] Zweifarben-Fischer | [ES] Martin Pescador Verdirrufo | [NL] Groenbruine IJsvogel Subspecies Monotypic species Physical charateristics The adult male has glossy green upperparts, with white spotting on the wings, and a rufous nape and underparts. The female […]
Pied Kingfisher (Ceryle rudis)
[order] CORACIIFORMES | [family] Alcedinidae | [latin] Ceryle rudis | [UK] Pied Kingfisher | [FR] Alcyon pie | [DE] Graufischer | [ES] Martin Pescador Pio | [NL] Bonte IJsvogel Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Todus rudis Ceryle rudis Ceryle rudis AF, OR widespread, also Middle East Ceryle rudis […]
White-breasted Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis)
[order] CORACIIFORMES | [family] Alcedinidae | [latin] Halcyon smyrnensis | [UK] White-breasted Kingfisher | [FR] Martin-chasseur de Smyrne | [DE] Braunliest | [ES] Martin pescador turco | [NL] Smyrna-ijsvogel Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Physical charateristics A medium sized, noisy, with long tail and large red bill kingfisher. […]
Amazon Kingfisher (Chloroceryle amazona)
[order] CORACIIFORMES | [family] Alcedinidae | [latin] Chloroceryle amazona | [UK] Amazon Kingfisher | [FR] Alcyon de l’Amazone | [DE] Amazonasfischer | [ES] Martin Pescador Amazonico | [NL] Amazone-ijsvogel Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Megaceryle amazona Chloroceryle amazona LA c Mexico to c Argentina Physical charateristics It is […]