Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) Science Article 8 abstract Disturbance can reduce productivity by disrupting nesting behavior. We examined responses of nesting Common Terns (Sterna hirundo) and Laughing Gulls (Larus atricilla) to frequent overhead flights by Herring (L. argentutus) and Great Black-backed (L. murinus) gulls to determine if such flyovers may have contributed to declines in […]
Category: Laridae
Brood size and food provisioning in Common Tern s Sterna hirundo an d Arctic Terns S . paradis a: consequences for chick growth
Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) Science Article 1 abstract Food provisioning rates and chick growth rates of Common Te rns Sterna hirundo and Arctic Tems S. paradis a were studied in Northeast Engl and. Adult tems of both species fed large broods more frequently th an those containing fewer chicks . Energy supply per nestling declined […]
Courtship feeding between Yellow-legged Gull Larus cachinnans and Herring Gull L. argentatus in the Western Mediterranean
Yellow-legged Gull (Larus cachinnans) Science Article 1 abstract Several species of large white-headed gulls, genus Larus, often hybridize freely where they occur sympatrically (Ingolfsson 1987, Pierotti 1987, Spear 1987, Pierotti & Annett 1993). In the Ebro Delta (Ebro Delta National Park, 40
Predation by a Marsh Harrier Circusaeruginosus on Yellow-legged GullLarus michahellis nests
Yellow-legged Gull (Larus cachinnans) Science Article 3 abstract This note reports a case of predation by an adult female Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus onthree nests of Yellow-legged Gulls Larus michahellis at the Ebro Delta. The predation wasobserved on 4 April 2002 on one of the dykes that separate the saltpan-heaters of La Trinitat(Punta de la […]
Deconstructing myths on large gulls and their impact onthreatened sympatric waterbirds
Yellow-legged Gull (Larus cachinnans) Science Article 2 abstract Owing to increasing population trends and facultative predatory habits, large gullshave been identified as significant agents of change in the alteration of manyecological communities. Often, they are perceived as negatively impacting thepopulation trends of most sympatric waterbirds. Consequently, culling programshave been implemented to remove adults, chicks and […]
Yellow-billed Tern (Sterna superciliaris) Science Article 1 abstract Nests of Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger) (n = 37), Large-billed Terns (Phaetusa simplex) (n = 121), and Yellow-billed Terns (Sterna superciliaris) (n = 16) on an exposed sandbar in the Trombetas River, Brazil, were monitored during incubation and hatching in 1982. The species were interspersed throughout the […]
Reproductive parameters in relation to food supply in the whiskered tern ( Chlidonias hybrida )
Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybridus) Science Article 1 abstract It is generally accepted that breeding terns are sensitive to food supply and that their reproductive effort could be substantially affected by the availability and access to resources. In this study we examined reproductive parameters in the whiskered tern Chlidonias hybrida in relation to food supply during […]
Breeding biology and colony size of sandwich tern at l’Albufera de Valencia (Western Mediterranean)
Sandwich Tern (Sterna sandvicensis) Science Article 2 abstract This note gives the first information on the breeding of Sandwich Tern at this new site, which has become the extreme Southwest nesting location for the nominate subspecies Ignacio Dies & Bosco Dies, Ardeola 51(2), 2004, 431-435 Download article download full text (pdf)
Sandwich Tern (Sterna sandvicensis) Science Article 4 abstract The northern and central part of the coast in Buenos Aires Province (Argentina) presentsimportant roosting areas where several marine bird species aggregate during the australwinter. Marco Favero et al., ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL 11: 259-262, 2000 Download article download full text (pdf)
Reflections of a specialist: patterns in food provisioning and foraging conditions in Sandwich Terns Sterna sandvicensis
Sandwich Tern (Sterna sandvicensis) Science Article 1 abstract Highly specialised piscivorous seabirds, like S andwich Terns Sterna sandvicensis, have limited capacity to switch to alternative prey species when the availability of a particular prey species is low. Therefore, variations in the diet of such species are likely to reflect fluctuations in food availabi lity. We […]