Category: Apodiformes

Adoption as an offspring strategy to reduce ectoparasite exposure

Alpine Swift (Apus melba) Science Article 4 abstract Adoption occurs frequently in colonial species where both the cost of parasitism and the opportunity for dependent young to find a foster family are typically high. Because ectoparasites show highly aggregated distributions among colony members, we tested two central predictions of the novel hypothesis that adoption is […]

Parasitism and developmental plasticity in Alpine swift nestlings

Alpine Swift (Apus melba) Science Article 3 abstract 1) Development plasticity is a common evolutionary and phenotypic response to poor growth condition, in particular in organisms with determinate growth such as most birds and mammals. Because various body structures can contribute differently to overall fitness, natural selection will adjust the degree of plasticity of each […]

New Caledonian Owlet-nightjar (aegotheles savesi)

[order] APODIFORMES | [family] aegothelidae | [latin] aegotheles savesi | [UK] New Caledonian Owlet-nightjar | [FR] aegothele caledonien | [DE] Schwarzrucken-Schwalm | [ES] Egotelo de Nueva Caledonia | [NL] Nieuwcaledonische Dwergnachtzw Subspecies Monotypic species Physical charateristics Large, dark owlet-nightjar. Plumage rather uniformly vermiculated grey-brown and black. Structurally distinct with short rounded wings, long, slightly rounded […]

Wallaces Owlet-nightjar (aegotheles wallacii)

[order] APODIFORMES | [family] aegothelidae | [latin] aegotheles wallacii | [UK] Wallaces Owlet-nightjar | [FR] aegothele de Wallace | [DE] Fleckenschwalm | [ES] Egotelo de Wallace | [NL] Wallace’s Dwergnachtzwaluw Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Aegotheles wallacii AU New Guinea Aegotheles wallacii gigas s New Guinea, Weyland Mts. […]

Feline Owlet-nightjar (aegotheles insignis)

[order] APODIFORMES | [family] aegothelidae | [latin] aegotheles insignis | [UK] Feline Owlet-nightjar | [FR] Grand aegothele | [DE] Kauzchenschwalm | [ES] Egotelo Grande | [NL] Dwergnachtzwaluw Subspecies Monotypic species Physical charateristics Two well-defined color morphs-rufous and brown; intermediates also occur. upperparts have sparse whitish streaks or spots and prominent lateral crown stripes; throat is […]

Archbolds Owlet-nightjar (aegotheles archboldi)

[order] APODIFORMES | [family] aegothelidae | [latin] aegotheles archboldi | [UK] Archbolds Owlet-nightjar | [FR] aegothele de l’Est | [DE] Archbold-Bergschwalm | [ES] Egotelo de Archbold | [NL] Archbolds Dwergnachtzwaluw Subspecies Monotypic species Physical charateristics Typical Owlet-Nightjar. Rufous and brown morphs; intermediates also occur. Sexes are similar. Has dark barred upperparts with white spots. Dark, […]

Australian Owlet-nightjar (aegotheles cristatus)

[order] APODIFORMES | [family] aegothelidae | [latin] aegotheles cristatus | [UK] Australian Owlet-nightjar | [FR] aegothele huppe | [DE] Baumschwalm | [ES] Egotelo Australiano | [NL] Australische Dwergnachtzwaluw Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Hemiprocne cristatus Aegotheles cristatus Aegotheles cristatus AU Australia, s New Guinea Aegotheles cristatus cristatus se […]

Barred Owlet-nightjar (aegotheles bennettii)

[order] APODIFORMES | [family] aegothelidae | [latin] aegotheles bennettii | [UK] Barred Owlet-nightjar | [FR] aegothele barre | [DE] Bennettschwalm | [ES] Egotelo Barrado | [NL] Bennetts Dwergnachtzwaluw Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Aegotheles bennettii AU New Guinea Aegotheles bennettii bennettii se New Guinea, Aru I. Aegotheles bennettii […]

Starry Owlet-nightjar (aegotheles tatei)

[order] APODIFORMES | [family] aegothelidae | [latin] aegotheles tatei | [UK] Starry Owlet-nightjar | [FR] aegothele de Tate | [DE] Kauzchenschwalm | [ES] Egotelo de Rand | [NL] Subspecies Monotypic species Physical charateristics Similar to Feline Owlet-Nightar but smaller, less white markings and rufous-brown underwings. Tail pattern also differs. wingspan min.: 0 cm wingspan max.: […]