Category: Apodiformes


Fork-tailed Woodnymph (Thalurania furcata) Science Article 1 abstract We analyzed geographic variation in morphology and plumage coloration in male woodnymphs of the genus Thalurunia in Middle America and northwestern South America. Morphometric characters distinguish the disjunct western Mexican populations from populations to the south. Three groups are distinguished by discrete plumage coloration characters. We propose […]

Distribution, variation, and taxonomy of Topaza hummingbirds (aves: trochilidae)

Crimson Topaz (Topaza pella) Science Article 1 abstract We review the distribution, variation, and taxonomy of the Crimson Topaz (Topaza pella) and theFiery Topaz (Topaza pyra). Both taxa show sexual dimorphism of foot color and notable age-related variationin plumage. Topaza pyra shows distinct and reliable differences from T. pella and warrants specific status.We describe a […]

Dusk and dawn ascend of the swift, Apus apus L.

Common Swift (Apus apus) Science Article 2 abstract Radar observations on bird movements over The Netherlands in June andJuly revealed spectacular nocturnal Swift concentrations over the IJsselmeerand to a lesser extent above other waterbodies in and around TheNetherlands at some kilometres from coastlines. The Swifts performcharacteristic dusk and dawn ascends up to altitudes over 1800 […]

Ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of Apus apus (Linnaeus1758), the common swift (Aves; Apodiformes; Apodidae), withphylogenetic implications

Common Swift (Apus apus) Science Article 4 abstract The spermatozoon of Apus apus is typical of non-passerines in many respects. Features shared with palaeognaths and the Galloanserae are the conical acrosome, shorter than the nucleus Barrie G. M. Jamieson and Sandro Tripepi, Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 86: 239-244 (October 2005) Download article download full text (pdf)

Annahme von Nisthilfen durch den Mauersegler (Apus apus) in Berlin

Common Swift (Apus apus) Science Article 3 abstract We present results of the inspection of 1915 nest boxes for Common Swifts in Berlin in 2002. The aim of the studyis to determine factors influencing acceptance of artificial nest boxes. Two significant influences were thedistance of nest boxes from the original breeding grounds and the structure […]

Foliage-gleaning by Chimney Swifts (Chaetura pelagica)

Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Science Article 2 abstract Apparent gleaning of insects from leaves has been reported in Chimney Swifts by Fischer (New York Mus. Sci. Serv. Bull., No. 336: 1, 1958) and in Short-tailed Swifts (C. brachyura) by Collins (Bull. Florida State Mus., 11: 257, 1968). William G. George, Auk, Vol. 88 Download article […]

The Winter Range of the Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica)

Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) Science Article 1 abstract In identifying birds for cataloging, I have discovered that we have in the American Museum three Middle American specimens of the Chimney Swift, and as a contribution to our knowledge of the ‘Winter’ range of this species. FRANK M. CHAPMAN, Auk, Vol. 48 Download article download full […]