Category: Apodiformes

Rarest birds of the World: Blue-bearded Helmetcrest

The Blue-bearded Helmet-crest, is one of Nature’s most magnificient creatures. It is a large hummingbird with a long crest and a beard, making it somehow antropomorph. Read the more poetic description written by Sir John Gould himself: “These bearded birds stand quite alone among the Trochilidae and although not remarkable for brilliancy of colour, their […]

Rarest birds in the World: New Caledonian Owlet-nightjar (Aegotheles savesi)

This species is known from two specimens, and a single sighting in the 1990s and only three other reports. It is classified as Critically Endangered on the basis of a very small population which is probably in ongoing decline. It is a 28cm, large, dark owlet-nightjar. Plumage rather uniformly vermiculated grey-brown and black. The short […]

Don’t count your Chickens before they are hatched

An Indian went hunting one day far away from his hut, so far indeed that when he thought of returning night overtook him. Losing his path in the darkness, ho lay down to sleep under an overhanging wood-ants’ nest. These insects asked him by and by if he were asleep, and he told them “Not […]

How Hummingbird won the hearts of the villagers

Not far from Rainbow Cave on the Sacred Mountain in what is now New Mexico, Hummingbird Hoya lived with his beloved grandmother long ago. “I think I will go to Kiakima to see what their clansmen are doing,” Hoya said one day to his beloved grandmother. Because he was so small and wanted to be […]

Vintage plate of Plain-bellied Emerald (Agyrtria leucogaster)

In the usual acceptation of the term this is one of the commonest species of Humming-bird with which we are acquainted; in using the word commonest, I intend to convey that it is a bird which has long been known and sent to Europe in great abundance ; all other species will, however, doubtless become […]

Vintage plate of White-chested Emerald (Agyrtria brevrostris chionopectus)

I have looked in vain for a name and description of this very familiar species, which is quite as common in our collections as the Thaumatias leucogaster. The only published figure which at all resembles the bird is that given by Lesson, under the appellation of Omhmya albirostris, in his ” Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux […]

Vintage plate of White-bellied Emerald (Agyrtria candida)

This plate is from around 1850, it was then called White-breasted Emerald (Thaumatias candidus) and the information states: The Thaumatias candidus ranges widely over the southern parts of Mexico and Guatemala, and, judging from the number of specimens which have been transmitted to Europe through the instrumentality of De Lattre, Salle, Skinner, and Salvin, it […]

Vintage plate of White-throated Hummingbird (Leucochloris albicollis)

This plate is from around 1850, it was then called White-throat (Leucochloris albicollis) and the information states: The southern part of Brazil alone, so far as we yet know, is the native country of this very pretty and well-marked species, and numerous are the specimens that from time to time are sent to Europe from […]

Vintage plate of White-bellied Hummingbird (Leucippus chionogaster)

This plate is from around 1850, it was then called White-breasted Leucippus (Leucippus chionogaster) and the information states: If this bird had been one of the most beautiful, instead of one of the plainest and most modestly attired species of the family, it could scarcely have received a greater degree of attention than has been […]