Category: Anatidae

15 of the world’s rarest ducks still found in the wild

Madagascar pochard (Aythya innotata)

Ducks are among the most diverse and widespread bird families, yet many species are on the brink of extinction due to habitat loss, hunting, and environmental changes. In this article, we highlight 15 of the world’s rarest ducks still found in the wild, ranking them from rare to the rarest based on population estimates and […]

Rarest birds in the World: the Pink-headed Duck

This species has not been seen in the wild, other than some unverified observations, since 1949. Already in the 19th century it was mentioned as rare. It is now considered at the brink of extinction or already extinct because of hunting and habitat loss. In the past decennium it has been much sought after, f.e. […]

Rarest birds in the World: Laysan Duck (Anas laysanensis)

In 1896 Rotschild wrote: This Duck was found by my collector on Laysan Island only. The captain who told Dr. Finsch that there was a flightless Duck on Laysan Island no doubt referred to this species, but on account of its extraordinary tameness he was led to believe that it could not fly. It flies, […]

The Story of the Cannibal Innkeeper

This is more or less a fairy tale, but of a very complicated character. Various elements are combined in it. It begins as do many tales, with the fact that a couple had a child after many years: that child is a beautiful girl, who, left as an orphan, dresses up in a man’s clothes, […]

The Red Eyed Duck and the Old Blackfoot

Once, long ago, Old Man was travelling north along a river. He carried a great pack on his back. After a time he came to a place where the river spread out and the water was quiet, and here many ducks were swimming about. Old Man did not look at the ducks, and kept travelling […]

The Geese and the abbess

Many years ago there was near the sea a convent famed for the rich crops of grain that grew on its farm. On a certain year a large flock of wild geese descended on its fields and devoured first the corn, and then the green blades. The superintendent of the farm hastened to the convent […]

The Mallard talked and his enemy the Falcon heard.

The wintry winds had already begun to whistle and the waves to rise when the Drake and his mate gathered their half-grown brood together on the shore of their far northern lake. “Wife,” said he, “it is now time to take the children southward, to the Warm Countries which they have never yet seen!” Very […]