Bronze-winged Duck (Speculanas specularis)

Bronze-winged Duck

[order] ANSERIFORMES | [family] Anatidae | [latin] Speculanas specularis | [authority] King, 1828 | [UK] Bronze-winged Duck | [FR] Canard a lunettes | [DE] Kupferspiegel-Ente | [ES] Anade Anteojillo | [NL] Bronsvleugeleend


Monotypic species


The Bronze-winged Duck, Speculanas specularis, also known as the Spectacled Duck, is a dabbling duck and the sole member of its genus Speculanas. It is often placed in Anas with most other dabbling ducks, but its closest relative is either the Crested Duck or the Brazilian Duck, which likewise form monotypic genera. Together they belong to a South American lineage which diverged early from the other dabbling ducks and may include the steamer ducks.

Physical charateristics

A dull duck with a bold head pattern. Dark brown hood with oval patch between lores and malar, white. Large white gular crescent. Dark chocolate brown above with buff scalloping on back, paler grey-buff below, mottled dusky. Vinaceous bronze wing speculum. Similar spp. Only possibly confused with Chiloe Wigeon A. sibilatrix which has an obvious green sheen on head and rusty flanks. Its upperparts are broadly fringed white and has an obvious white wing patch.

wingspan min.:0cmwingspan max.:0cm
size min.:46cmsize max.:54cm
incubation min.:23daysincubation max.:27days
fledging min.:0daysfledging max.:0days
broods:1 eggs min.:4 
   eggs max.:6 


South America : Southern Cone. Speculanas specularis is most common in the Andean valleys of south Chile and west-central Argentina to Tierra del Fuego. It has been suggested that some birds disperse north and east after the breeding season


It breeds mostly by fast-flowing rivers in forested regions up to 1,800 m, but also on wetlands, ponds and lakes away from dense forests


Breeding begins in September-October, with egg-laying in October-November, and a circa 30 day incubation period in captivity. Clutch size is 4-6 eggs.

Feeding habits

It feeds on seeds, leaves and stems of aquatic plants, variable amounts of aquatic invertebrates, and sometimes in the leaf-litter of forests away from water

Video Bronze-winged Duck


copyright: J. del Hoyo


This species is classified as Near Threatened as it has a small global population within which all its subpopulations are small. If it was demonstrated to be declining it would qualify as Vulnerable.
Potential threats include predation by Mustela vison, increased pressure from tourism (e.g. in Los Glaciares National Park), and salmon farming and trout stocking on Chilean rivers.
Bronze-winged Duck status Near Threatened


Mostly sedentary. Small numbers are speculated to disperse north and east during the non-breeding season, which probably commences late in the austral summer.

Distribution map

Bronze-winged Duck distribution range map

Updated: November 12, 2011 — 12:41 am

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