Monotypic species
Members of the genus Hieraaetus are small to medium-sized eagles, with long and pointed wings; a longish tail, and feathered legs. They are very active eagles, not given to eating carrion, and found usually in lightly forested country. The genus is difficult to separate from Aquila, Spizastur and Spizaetus. Some species have at one time or another been placed in more than one genus, and some references combine Hieraaetus with Aquila. The main species are: Hieraaetus fasciatus of southern Eurasia, the Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus of Eurasia, Hieraaetus morphnoides of Australia and the New Guinea race – Hieraaetus morphnoides weiskei, the smallest of all the booted eagles; Hieraaetus dubius of Africa and Hieraaetus kienerii of India.
Physical charateristics
wingspan min.: | 120 | cm | wingspan max.: | 130 | cm |
size min.: | 45 | cm | size max.: | 61 | cm |
incubation min.: | 43 | days | incubation max.: | 48 | days |
fledging min.: | 70 | days | fledging max.: | 80 | days |
broods: | 1 | eggs min.: | 1 | ||
eggs max.: | 1 |
The nest is a bulky structure built in a fork of a forest tree, 30-60 feet above ground. It is made of thin sticks up to half an inch in diameter, and is fairly square and compact; about two-and-a-half feet across by one-and-a-half feet deep. Both sexes take part in nest repair, and spend much time at, and on, the nest in this period, which may involve months of occasional work, but usually occupies four to six weeks at the beginning of the breeding season. Green-leaved branches are brought at this time, in increasing quantities just prior to egg-laying.
Two eggs are generally laid – white, with odd markings of brown and lilac. They are laid in late winter. Replacement clutches rea sometimes laid at unusual times – when a natural disaster befalls a nest this species sometimes lays again up to three months later.
The female is a very close and tight sitter, and incubates alone. The male feeds her near the nest at intervals of two to three days. She does not leave the nest to kill for herself, but answers the male’s call and leaves the nest to receive prey from him. The male also visits during the incubation period without bringing prey, in which case the female usually leaves the nest and joins him, returning in a few minutes. The incubation period is 45 days.
Like other young eagles, the young when first hatched is helpless. The first body feathers break through the down by about 26 days, and cover it at 53 days; the crest has by then developed. Thereafter plumage development is largely in the wings and tail. The eaglet will try to feed it self at about 40 days, but is not usually successful until about 50 days. The young is rather sluggish, but towards the end of the fledging period practises wing-flapping, and climbs out on to the branches of the nest tree at times. It makes its first flight at about 75 days.
The female spends most of her time on the nest for the first ten days of the fledging period and thereafter the time on the nest is gradually reduced until, towards the end of the fledging period, she is only on the nest for brief periods amounting to about an hour during daylight. Right up to the end of the fledging period she roosts on the nest with the eaglet. The male’s job is to bring prey in the early fledging period; he does not feed the chick, although it will beg from him, and when he arrives with prey in the female’s absence he leaves quite quickly. The female feeds the eaglet in the early stages and up to 55 days on occasion; between 24 days and 40 days she spends most of the time perched on trees near the nest, but not brooding the eaglet. At this time she pulls off and brings to the nest green branches collected from trees within 100 yards or so of the nest. After 25 days she does kill some prey for the eaglet herself, and in the last third of the fledging period she brings as many kills as the male. In the early stages she shares the kills brought by the male with the eaglet.
After the eaglet has flown it remains near the nest for some time, roosting near it at night and some times in it, for a minimum of three weeks. The family of adults and eaglet remain near the nest for up to three months, and the eaglet becomes independent at about that time, the total nesting cycle from nest repair to family dispersal occupying about 230-240 days.
Feeding habits
Video Ayress Hawk-Eagle
copyright: khaled Azamnoor