[order] APODIFORMES | [family] aegothelidae | [latin] aegotheles crinifrons | [UK] Moluccan Owlet-nightjar | [FR] aegothele Moluques | [DE] Molukkenschwalm | [ES] Egotelo Moluqueno | [NL] Molukse Dwergnachtzwaluw
Monotypic species
Physical charateristics
Uperparts vrmiculated grey-brown, underparts pale with dark spots. Has a brown and rufous morph, probably with intermediates. has a very distinct call, with was only recently recorded. The alarm call is like a howling cat, like horror movie screams.
wingspan min.: | 0 | cm | wingspan max.: | 0 | cm |
size min.: | 27 | cm | size max.: | 31 | cm |
incubation min.: | 0 | days | incubation max.: | 0 | days |
fledging min.: | 0 | days | fledging max.: | 0 | days |
broods: | 0 | eggs min.: | 0 | ||
eggs max.: | 0 |
Australasia : North Moluccas
primary, mature secondary and lightly logged forest and forest edges;also coconut plantations and cultivated areas. FOund from 0 to 1250m on Halmahera, 0-1800m on Bacan.
No data
Feeding habits
No data
Although this species may have a restricted range, it is not believed to approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion (Extent of Occurrence <20,000 km2 combined with a declining or fluctuating range size, habitat extent/quality, or population size and a small number of locations or severe fragmentation). The population trend appears to be stable, and hence the species does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the population trend criterion (>30% decline over ten years or three generations). The population size has not been quantified, but it is not believed to approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the population size criterion (<10,000 mature individuals with a continuing decline estimated to be >10% in ten years or three generations, or with a specified population structure). For these reasons the species is evaluated as Least Concern.
The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence for any declines or substantial threats.
Presumably sedentary