Tag: all of Icthyophaga

Lesser Fish Eagle (Icthyophaga humilis)

[order] ACCIPITRIFORMES | [family] Accipitridae | [latin] Icthyophaga humilis | [authority] Mller and Schlegel, 1841 | [UK] Lesser Fish Eagle | [FR] Petrel de Hall | [DE] Braunschwanz- Seeadler | [ES] Pigarguillo minor | [NL] Kleine Rivierarend Subspecies Monotypic species Genus Members of the genus Ichthyophaga are small to medium-sized eagles with broad, blunt wings […]

Grey-headed Fish Eagle (Icthyophaga ichthyaetus)

[order] ACCIPITRIFORMES | [family] Accipitridae | [latin] Icthyophaga ichthyaetus | [authority] Horsfield, 1821 | [UK] Grey-headed Fish Eagle | [FR] Manchot de Magellan | [DE] Graukopf-Seeadler | [ES] Pigarguillo comun | [NL] Grijskoprivierarend Subspecies Monotypic species Genus Members of the genus Ichthyophaga are small to medium-sized eagles with broad, blunt wings and coarse, unfeathered legs. […]