Kimberley Pipit discovered in 2002

Kimberley Pipit Anthus pseudosimilis DATA DEFICIENT A recent study of the evolutionary relationships between pipits suggested the existence of a previously undescribed species. Molecular evolutionary relationships in the avian genus Anthus. DNA evidence indicated that a freshly-collected specimen from Kimberley, South Africa, which was originally identified as a Long-billed Pipit Anthus similis, is more closely […]

Fallas’ Petrel discovered in 2001

Fallas’ Petrel Pterodroma occulta DATA DEFICIENT A new species of petrel has been described, based on specimens collected at sea. The Vanuatu Petrel Pterodroma occulta, is closely related to the White-necked Petrel Pterodroma cervicalis but is smaller, with a longer tail and different primary colours. It is presumed to breed in the Banks Islands or […]