Category: Charadriiformes

Responses of nesting common terns and laughing gulls to flyovers by large gulls

Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) Science Article 8 abstract Disturbance can reduce productivity by disrupting nesting behavior. We examined responses of nesting Common Terns (Sterna hirundo) and Laughing Gulls (Larus atricilla) to frequent overhead flights by Herring (L. argentutus) and Great Black-backed (L. murinus) gulls to determine if such flyovers may have contributed to declines in […]

Brood size and food provisioning in Common Tern s Sterna hirundo an d Arctic Terns S . paradis a: consequences for chick growth

Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) Science Article 1 abstract Food provisioning rates and chick growth rates of Common Te rns Sterna hirundo and Arctic Tems S. paradis a were studied in Northeast Engl and. Adult tems of both species fed large broods more frequently th an those containing fewer chicks . Energy supply per nestling declined […]

Male traits, mating tactics and reproductive success in the buff-breasted sandpiper, Tryngites subruficollis

Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Tryngites subruficollis) Science Article 1 abstract Buff-breasted sandpipers use a variety of mating tactics to acquire mates, including remaining at a singlelek for most of the breeding season, attending multiple leks during the season, displaying solitarily ordisplaying both on leks and solitarily. We found that differences in body size, body condition, fluctuatingasymmetry scores, […]

Conservation status of the buff-breasted sandpiper:historic and contemporary distribution andabundance in south america

Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Tryngites subruficollis) Science Article 2 abstract We present historic and contemporary information on the distribution and abundance of BuffbreastedSandpipers (Tryngites subruficollis) in South America. Historic information was collated from the literature,area ornithologists, and museums, whereas contemporary data were derived from surveys conducted throughoutthe main wintering range in Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil during the […]

Monitoring Black Guillemot population and nesting success at Herschel Island, Yukon Territory ? 2005

Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle) Science Article 7 abstract The Black Guillemot colony at Pauline Cove on Herschel Island is the only one in the Yukon Territory, and one of the few in the western Arctic. This colony has been monitored for population and nesting success since about 1984. The nearest Black Guillemot nesting colony to […]

The Migration of the American Golden Plover Through Surinam

American Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica) Science Article 8 abstract American Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica) has the fame of making a long transoceanic flight in autumn from Nova Scotia to northern South America and after a short stop proceeding to its winter quarters in Argentina. In spring the birds are said to return in a long […]

Pacific and American Golden-Plovers: reflections on conservation needs

American Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica) Science Article 3 abstract Much has been learned about the biology of Pacific and American Golden-Plovers (Pluvialis fulva and P. dominica)in recent years. However, most of this information does not address conservation-related questionsaffecting the future of these birds. We lack accurate demographic figures (guesstimates of world populationvary more than 30-fold […]

Time budgets and body temperatures of American Golden-Plover chicks in relation to ambient temperature

American Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica) Science Article 1 abstract We studied time budgets of precocial chicks of American Golden-Plovers (Pluvialisdominica) on the tundra near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, to assess how time budgetsare influenced by environmental and body temperatures. Foraging time per day increasedwith increasing ambient temperatures and levels of solar radiation, as well as with […]

Breeding range extensions for the Pacific Golden-Plover andBlack-bellied Plover on the Alaska Peninsula

American Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica) Science Article 4 abstract To determine whether Pacific Golden-Plovers Pluvialis fulva and Black-bellied Plovers P. squatarola werenesting on the Alaska Peninsula, we conducted field surveys at several sites in 2004. We found both taxa breedingon the peninsula, with fulva in greater abundance. Our findings indicate that fulva nest from at […]

Taxonomy, distribution, and evolution of golden plovers (pluvialis dominica and pluvialis fulva)

American Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica) Science Article 5 abstract A discriminant function analysis of specimen measurements separates 96% of two forms of Lesser Golden Plover in breeding plumage, previously described as subspecies. The forms breed sympatrically in northwest Alaska and are not isolated by habitat, but the incidence of specimens phenotypically intermediate between the two […]