Category: Africa

Red-chested Goshawk (Accipiter toussenelii)

[order] ACCIPITRIFORMES | [family] Accipitridae | [latin] Accipiter toussenelii | [authority] Verreaux, 1855 | [UK] Red-chested Goshawk | [FR] Autour de Toussenel | [DE] Rotbrusthabicht | [ES] Azor de Toussenel | [NL] Afrikaanse havik Subspecies Monotypic species Genus Members of the genus Accipiter are small and medium-sized hawks, often called Sparrow-hawks or Goshawks. The females […]

Red-necked Buzzard (Buteo auguralis)

[order] ACCIPITRIFORMES | [family] Accipitridae | [latin] Buteo auguralis | [authority] Salvadori, 1865 | [UK] Red-necked Buzzard | [FR] Buse d’Afrique | [DE] Salvadoribussard | [ES] Busardo cuellirrojo | [NL] Afrikaanse Roodstaartbuizerd Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Region Range Buteo auguralis AF w, c Genus Members of the genus Buteo are broad-winged, broad-tailed hawks, Well adapted […]

Pale Chanting Goshawk (Melierax canorus)

[order] ACCIPITRIFORMES | [family] Accipitridae | [latin] Melierax canorus | [authority] Rislachi, 1799 | [UK] Pale Chanting Goshawk | [FR] Autour chanteur | [DE] Grosser Singhabicht | [ES] Azor-lagatijero claro | [NL] Zanghavik Subspecies Monotypic species Genus The genus Melierax, in the Accipitridae family, contains four species of hawk. The dark chanting goshawk is a […]

Ovambo Sparrowhawk (Accipiter ovampensis)

[order] ACCIPITRIFORMES | [family] Accipitridae | [latin] Accipiter ovampensis | [authority] Gurney, 1875 | [UK] Ovambo Sparrowhawk | [FR] Epervier de l’Ovampo | [DE] Ovambosperber | [ES] Gavilan del ovampo | [NL] Ovambo-sperwer Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Region Range Accipiter ovampensis AF ne, sc Genus Members of the genus Accipiter are small and medium-sized hawks, […]

Mountain Buzzard (Buteo oreophilus)

[order] ACCIPITRIFORMES | [family] Accipitridae | [latin] Buteo oreophilus | [authority] Hartert and Neumann, 1914 | [UK] Mountain Buzzard | [FR] Buse montagnarde | [DE] Bergbussard | [ES] Busardo montanes | [NL] Kaapse Bergbuizerd Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Region Range Buteo oreophilus AF e Genus Members of the genus Buteo are broad-winged, broad-tailed hawks, Well […]

Madagascar Serpent Eagle (Eutriorchis astur)

[order] ACCIPITRIFORMES | [family] Accipitridae | [latin] Eutriorchis astur | [authority] Sharpe, 1875 | [UK] Madagascar Serpent Eagle | [FR] Serpentaira de Madagascar | [DE] Schlangenhabicht | [ES] Culebrera azor | [NL] Madagascarslangearend Subspecies Monotypic species Genus The Madagascar Serpent Eagle, Serpentaire de Madagascar, or Culebrera Azor (Eutriorchis astur) is monotypic within the genus Eutriorchis. […]

Madagascar Sparrowhawk (Accipiter madagascariensis)

[order] ACCIPITRIFORMES | [family] Accipitridae | [latin] Accipiter madagascariensis | [authority] Smith, 1834 | [UK] Madagascar Sparrowhawk | [FR] Epervier de Madagascar | [DE] Madagaskarsperber | [ES] Gavilan Malgache | [NL] Madagaskarsperwer Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Region Range Accipiter madagascariensis AF Madagascar Genus Members of the genus Accipiter are small and medium-sized hawks, often called […]

Martial Eagle (Polemaetus bellicosus)

[order] ACCIPITRIFORMES | [family] Accipitridae | [latin] Polemaetus bellicosus | [authority] Daudin, 1800 | [UK] Martial Eagle | [FR] Aigle martial | [DE] Kampfadler | [ES] | [NL] Vechtarend Subspecies Monotypic species Genus The Martial Eagle (Polemaetus bellicosus), is Africa’s largest eagle and is the only member of the genus Polemaetus. Physical charateristics Among eagles […]

Malagasy Harrier (Circus macrosceles)

[order] ACCIPITRIFORMES | [family] Accipitridae | [latin] Circus macrosceles | [authority] Newton, 1863 | [UK] Malagasy Harrier | [FR] Busard de Malagasy | [DE] Madagaskarweihe | [ES] Aguiluch malgache | [NL] Maleisische Kiekendief Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Region Range Circus macrosceles AF Madagascar, Comoro Is Genus The genus Circus is a cosmopolitan genus of about […]