Little Auk (Alle alle) Science Article 1 abstract Understanding differences in male and female care in biparental care systems can help interpret the selective pressures that shape parental strategies. We examined Little Auk Alle alle parental care at a breeding colony during the chick-rearing and fledging periods by conducting observations on marked, known-sex pairs, and […]
Tag: Little Auk
Little Auk (Alle alle)
[order] CHARADRIIFORMES | [family] Alcidae | [latin] Alle alle | [UK] Little Auk | [FR] Mergule nain | [DE] Krabbentaucher | [ES] Mergulo marino | [NL] Kleine Alk Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Uria alle Alle alle NA, EU n coasts n oceans Alle alle alle Baffin I. […]