White-throated Manakin (Corapipo gutturalis) Science Article 1 abstract White-throated Manakin (Corapipo gutturalis) is known in northeastern South America from the Guianas, Venezuela, and northern Brazil (de Schauensee, The Species of Birds of South America, Livingston, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, 1966). The species favors hilly forest in Venezuela, between 250 and 1100 m elevation (de Schauensee et al., […]
Tag: all of Corapipo
White-throated Manakin (Corapipo gutturalis)
[order] PASSERIFORMES | [family] Pipridae | [latin] Corapipo gutturalis | [UK] White-throated Manakin | [FR] Manakin a gorge blanche | [DE] Weisskehl-Pipra | [ES] Saltarin Gorgiblanco Oriental | [NL] Witkeelmanakin Subspecies Monotypic species Physical charateristics The male is mostly black with a white throat and upper chest; the female has a green upper body and […]