Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors) Science Article 1 abstract True metabolizable energy (TME) is a measure of avian dietary quality that accounts for metabolic fecal and endogenous urinary energy losses (EL) of non-dietary origin. The TME is calculated using a bird fed the test diet and an estimate of EL derived from another bird (Paired Bird […]
Tag: Anas discors
Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors)
[order] ANSERIFORMES | [family] Anatidae | [latin] Anas discors | [authority] Linnaeus, 1766 | [UK] Blue-winged Teal | [FR] Sarcelle soucrourou | [DE] Blauflugel-Ente | [ES] Cerceta Aliazul | [NL] Blauwvleugeltaling Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Region Range Anas discors NA n, c Genus Anas is a genus of dabbling ducks. It includes mallards, wigeons, teals, […]