Arawak story-tellers also relate that the trumpeter and a kingfisher quarrelled over the spoils of war, and knocked each other into the ashes, which accounts for the gray of their plumage. The nakedness of the trumpeter’s legs is owing to his stepping into an ant’s nest, and getting them picked clean. The Arawaks of British […]
Category: Psophiidae
Grey winged Trumpeter (Psophia crepitans)
[order] Gruiformes | [family] Psophiidae | [latin] Psophia crepitans | [UK] Grey-winged Trumpeter | [FR] Agami trompette | [DE] Grauflugel-Trompetervogel | [ES] Trompetero Aligris | [IT] Psofia dalle ali grigie | [NL] Trompetvogel Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Psophia crepitans SA n Amazonia Psophia crepitans crepitans Venezuela and […]