Capture Rate of American Kestrel During NonbreedingSeason Influenced by Sex of Bird inUpstate South Carolina

American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Science Article 9


Assuming equal distribution of male and female American Kestrels (Falcosparverius) according to genetic frequency, a near equal capture rate might beanticipated (Cooke et al. 1987). Conversely, it is known that during the nestingseason males tend to provide most of the female’s energetic needs, so maleswould be more available for capture during the breeding season (Dawson et al.2001). Blood parasite status may reduce prey gathering ability and motility, andhence capture rate (Dawson et at. 2000). A study during the kestrel non-nestingseason, which has been roughly established in South Carolina as Augustthrough March (Clark 1983; Cely et at. 1988), was undertaken.

Samuel H. deMent and Reed S. deMent, The Chat, Vol. 65, No.3, Summer 2001

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Updated: December 26, 2011 — 12:22 am

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