Natal Dispersal in the North Island Robin (Petroica longipes): the Importance of Connectivity in Fragmented HabitatsAskia K. Wittern and sa Berggren
Long-distance Dispersal Patterns of Male Cerulean Warblers (Dendroica cerulea) Measured by Stable-hydrogen IsotopesM. Katherine Girvan, Jason Jones, D. Ryan Norris, Jennifer J. Barg, T. Kurt Kyser, and Raleigh J. Robertson
Pre-Migratory Movements by Juvenile Burrowing Owls in a Patchy LandscapeL. Danielle Todd, Ray G. Poulin, R. Mark Brigham, Erin M. Bayne, and Troy I. Wellicome
Agricultural Policy and Nest Success of Prairie Ducks in Canada and the United States
Mark C. Drever, Thomas D. Nudds, and Robert G. Clark